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Re-elect Mark Kissel for Executive Officer



Member Protection

Protecting our Rights and Member-Driven Solutions

Issue: Protecting our rights and the Collective Agreement are fundamental to being successful educators.


What Mark Promised During Last Election in 2022 

What Mark Has Accomplished Since Then 2022-Present

Towards the Future 2024 & Beyond

  • Strong Member Protection from Mark. Ask yourself an important question when selecting an Executive Officer: Who do you want fighting for your rights and defending our collective agreement? A person like Mark who has extensive training, is ready to jump into the role, who has experience on different sides of the table, and always has your best interests in mind.

    • Sat dozens of response & outcome meetings, representing members in their time of need; 

    • Carrying dozens of grievances with solution-driven initiatives, always at the behest of members needs;

    • Working with Administrators and the Board to mitigate harsher penalties

      • ​Continue to fight for members rights and protect our Collective Agreement​​;

      • Continue to cultivate member & administrator relationships to stave off potential disciplinary issues;

      • Proactively work with the Board to ensure fair and equitable outcomes

  • A union-led member Mental Health strategy to address significant wellness issues in the workplace and beyond;

    • Worked with Bargaining Unit Professional Development Committee to solicit and present workshops available to all members;​

    • Provided solid advice to members, drawing on his training through School Mental Health Ontario;

    • Advocated for mental health training aimed at bargaining unit leadership from provincial OSSTF be available to all members â€‹

      • Solicit workshops and opportunities for all members to receive school-based mental health strategies and insights;​

      • Continue to attend important meetings and conferences with mental health strategies to bring back to the Bargaining Unit and members;

  • Advocating for Health and Safety issues, focusing on violence in the workplace and member rights under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

    • At every branch visit, relayed the importance of form-driven health and safety in our workplace;​

    • Helped numerous members achieve safer working situations;

    • Proactively helped and affected change for members performing work refusals & experiencing situations of violence in their workplaces;

    • Trained and certified as a health and safety inspector to better advocate for members rights

      • Continue to fight for your rights under the Occupational Health and Safety Act;​

      • Continue to advocate with the Board to ensure you have a safe working environment free from violence and unsafe working conditions


Member protection must be at the forefront of every Executive Officer’s job. Please select someone who is honest, that you may trust, that you want in your corner when something goes wrong, and that will always advocate for your best interests.





Strengthening Member Participation

Issue: Participation and engagement in our Committees and Council meetings are low.


What Mark Promised During Last Election in 2022 

What Mark Has Accomplished Since Then 2022-Present

Towards the Future 2024 & Beyond


What Mark Will Do:

  • Ensure Transparency by publishing names of committee chairs on TTBU website and in communication platforms;

    • Focusing on bringing back members to local committee work;

    • ​Doubled the size of all open committees assigned as liaison;
    • Investigated privacy laws to ensure people's rights are respected and adhered to when publishing sensitive information
      • Will work with our Communications Officer to celebrate our local and district committee chairs and members through social media and celebration ceremonies;

      • Will work on encapsulating our members with relevant communication information delivery systems by harnessing the power of social media, not just email ​

  • I will Always be Available working for you at worksites and for one-on-one consultations. I will always take your calls, listen, communicate swiftly, and provide sound guidance, advice, and solutions to your issues;

    • Email return rate is usually within a few minutes, and phone calls within a few hours;

    • Extensive availability for members, working around your working hours;

    • Ensured multiple visits per year to branches to discuss issues relevant to you

      • Continue to increase rate of return on emails and phone calls to ensure you receive relevant and timely information;​

      • Increase time in branches during work day to meet with you;

      • Frequent after work opportunities to meet and discuss education issues

  • Deliver Union-made Professional Development more than once throughout the school year.

    • Worked with Board to develop an understanding of PPM 151, Professional Development Days Devoted to Provincial Educational Priorities;​

    • Produced two Professional Development day opportunities for members, including retirement seminars, external organizations, and solicited member presentation opportunities;

    • Worked with Professional Development Committee to provide equity-focused and relevant PD to members throughout the year

      • Continue to work towards providing once/month Professional Development throughout the city â€‹


By strengthening Member participation by providing optimal solutions, we will enhance our democratic institution for everyone.



Effective Communication & Accountability

Mentorship Matters

Issue: Messaging and communication with members


What Mark Promised During Last Election in 2022 

What Mark Has Accomplished Since Then 2022-Present

Towards the Future 2024 & Beyond


What Mark Will Do:

  • Support Communication Tools to encapsulate all members with their union, including monthly reports at council and social media;

    • Worked with Communications Officer to enhance weekly email blasts to members;​

    • Continued to advocate for more robust use of social media platforms;

    • Consistently made reports at Council, and regularly updated Branch Presidents with timely information and opportunities

      • Will increase information reminders to Branch Presidents;​

      • Develop social media content to reach more members with relevant information;

  • Offer Mentorship Opportunities for new Branch Presidents and members by connecting them with seasoned local leaders and activists;

    • Through significant turnover in Branch Presidents (BPs) and worksite branch leadership, I was always available for instantaneous responses for BPs;​

    • Utilized my M.Ed. focusing on organizational Mentorship to provide solid foundations for member engagement;

    • Worked with OSSTF Faculty of Education Advisory Workgroup as union representative to OISE/UT, and chair of Ontario Teacher Federation Teacher Advisory Committee; 

    • Created succession planning, where possible, for incoming BPs with outgoing BPs;

      • Will work to connect and engage experienced and new BPs in a mentoring network;​

      • Continue to encourage all BPs to participate in training such as BP weekend and staffing to ensure they have the fullest amount of information possible

  • Develop Resources and Training to prevent Branch President burnout, and work on succession planning and retention strategies for future planning.

    • Created resources for teachers new to our bargaining unit as well as Branch Presidents (BPs);​

    • Worked with outgoing BPs by soliciting information as to why they are leaving the role, and what can be done to better support them;

    • Continual work with new BPs to support them throughout their tenure.

      • Continue to check in with BPs more frequently, and expand to staffing committee members and branch executive members;​

      • Develop more resources for issues such as staffing, member engagement, and recruitment strategies to mitigate stress and ensure future planning.


By focusing on effective communication, we will work together to support and help all members become informed participants in our Union.


Organizing for the Future

Education Activism

Issue: Political action and engagement in trustee & provincial elections are key to our future.


What Mark Promised During Last Election in 2022 

What Mark Has Accomplished Since Then 2022-Present

Towards the Future 2024 & Beyond


What Mark Will Do: 

  • Mobilize Members now to work on grassroots provincial and municipal campaigns, including a Release Position for Communications and Political Action;

    • Provincial OSSTF has committed to 6 Regional Organizer positions through the next three years, based in no small part to continued advocacy to build better communities and stronger schools;​

    • With 30% new membership in our bargaining unit in past 5 years, continued political action to work with members to engage in issues such as TDSB budget shortfalls, developed community partnerships, and led by example by showing up and doing the work on the ground (ex. provincial by-election May 2024)

      • Will continue to work with our District Communications and Political Action to ensure we are able to mobilize members for upcoming by-elections provincially, as well as involvement in the June 2026 provincial elections, and October 2026 municipal elections.​

  • Focus on proactive Action Research, not reactive afterthoughts, and continued active integration with Labour Groups for coordinated efforts as well as parent/education organizations to ensure consistent messaging;

    • Became a delegate to the Toronto-York Region Labour Council & forged relationships with unions and political organizations,

    • Stood for successful election to my local provincial and federal riding associations executive;​

    • Advise the Ontario provincial leader of the third party on Education issues, and was co-chair of a provincial leadership campaign;

    • Attended multiple rallies, canvasses, flyer drops, community meetings, political action, parades, bolstered strike lines, and much more for the labour movement

      • Leading by example, I will continue to be a presence at information pickets, participating in local, provincial, and federal elections, always focusing on advancing the cause of publically-funded education.

      • Expand my role on Toronto-York Region Labour Council, and attend the Ontario Federation of Labour meetings and Canadian Labour Congress sessions 

  • Develop Local Strategies at branches/worksites, realizing that a one-size-fits-all approach will not work.

    • Worked with Branch Presidents and members to organize at worksites;​

    • While Voluntary Binding Interest Arbitration significantly limited our potential for job action, developed strategies for each assigned Branch to keep members engaged in union issues

      • Will continue to be present in branches, increasing visits, and soliciting initiatives and what they would like to ensure consistent member strategies​


We must begin organizing now for our collective future.


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